Why Non-Profit?
The United States has seen a huge growth in the non-profit sector, organizations that are not part of the government but which are oriented to serving some kind of social cause or public interest. Because non-profit organizations tend to address important public policy issues and often engage with the government, a political science education offers an ideal gateway to careers in this sector. Students can learn about how non-profit organizations work, about the legal distinctions that govern the non-profit sector, and, more broadly, about the public policy issues and debates that non-profit organizations influence and address. Those students particularly interested in non-profit careers way want to focus their degree through the emphasis on Community Involvement and Non-Profit Leadership. Hinckley Internships with the Red Cross, Utahns Against Hunger, the United Nations Foundation for a Better World, or other non-profit entities can count for credit toward the political science major.
Recent political science graduates have gone on to take non-profit positions at organizations
such as the Center for Economic and Policy Research; Community Solutions Consulting;
Count my Vote; Help International; Teach for America; Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy;
United Way; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints..
Alumni Spotlight
Bill Crim serves as President and CEO of United Way of Salt Lake (UWSL). Most recently, he worked as UWSL's Senior Vice President of Collective Impact and Public Policy. He has worked for over 23 years on issues related to economic opportunity, health care, education and poverty – first as a research fellow for the Coalition on Human Needs in Washington, D.C. and then as a researcher, policy analyst, community organizer, lobbyist, and executive director for Utah Issues.